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 Chad Bianco

Riverside County Sheriff - Elected!

For nearly 30 years I have worked for the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department with one goal in mind;  protect this community while keeping ALL of its residents safe.


I was born in 1967 at Hill Air Force Base in Ogden, Utah. I grew up in a very small mining town, the oldest of three boys. Both of my parents worked extremely hard to provide the best they could for us while teaching us that hard work and integrity are the cornerstones of success.


My work as Sheriff is just getting started. Our department is facing new challenges because of laws and mandates coming from Sacramento that are causing a dramatic increase in crime.

We are YOUR Riverside County Sheriff's Department.


I have experienced a lot of success and praise since becoming your Sheriff. Our working relationships with county government, our contract cities, and our residents has never been better. I credit the dedication and commitment of our employees, who are second to none.